Hello, Moikka, Hej, Olá, 您好 🙋🏻‍♀️

Over the last decade, my journey has taken me from Brazil to China, Sweden, and Finland. But no matter where I am in the world, my heart stays tethered to my home country. Each visit back, I'm greeted with changes that paint a picture of a new, more innovative, and more sustainable China.

What used to be a relentless pursuit of development, with the government's slogan echoing the sentiment that "development is the most important thing," has now shifted towards a more sustainable ethos, encouraging citizens to calculate their carbon footprint and adopt recycling practices.

Post-pandemic, the transformation was even clearer. The roar of gas-guzzling cars has been replaced by the whisper of electric vehicles. Solar streetlights brighten the night. And many companies I talked to are stepping up, committing to fight climate change and embrace sustainability.  🤔

During my time organising a major climate tech conference in Sweden, I become more eager to contribute to the dialogue on sustainable development. What's in store for China in the next few decades? Can we dream of a greener, more sustainable future? And most importantly, how can we come together to make that dream a reality? 🤝🏽

Motivated to answer these questions, I initiated the project of  The Next China. Through the newsletter, case studies and interviews, I hope to share the latest developments in climate technology within China, and also to foster a community of like-minded individuals passionate about envisioning and shaping a greener, more sustainable future for the country and our world.🍀

Thanks for reading 💚

Zhenni Liang